Sunday 10 July 2016

3 things your exhibition booth should tell the prospectus

Trade show success calls for an intricate planning right from the start and proper execution of strategies till the end. When you set out to choose which exhibition booth fits your preferences and budget, set the following factors in your mind so that your trade show booth is creative, well-organized and most importantly, expressive of your brand’s identity.

1.  Exhibition booth should project who you are

Your booth is the projector of brand’s identity. Your design, layout and ambience should be such that the audience/prospects understand not just products but also your company’s ideology. Customers should be able to connect with your brand and recognize it well. This is the first major step for lead conversion process and also expand network within the industry.

2.  Exhibition booth should provide the customers a solution

Every customer or prospect faces problems and has certain unsolved issues. Searching these and offering solutions to them at your booth can act as a magnetic factor. Let the visitors know about common problems and provide quick solutions to these through your products/ services. When the attendees enter your booth, give them a good reason to stay and make purchase from your booth by being kind and helpful.

3.  Exhibition booths should act as a CTA (call-to-action)

Often, the booths reach a good level and are able to attract a productive crowd at the exhibit stand, but end up missing some leads while talking to everyone at the booth. Your booth should itself act as a CTA button giving visitors instructions as to what to do next. You don’t want the prospects wandering in your exhibition booth, clueless about making a purchase. Have a team that takes care of such prospects and avail apps that help you make a quick list of potential leads for an efficient follow up after the event.
Have a major event to attend? Use these three points to finalize the exhibition booths that best suit your company.

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