Monday 11 July 2016

5 Things to do before exhibiting at trade show

Planning prior to trade shows is crucial for success and companies need to be prepared weeks before the main event. When exhibiting at prominent events, planning requires more focus, research and concentrated effort.
While you are on the search for a great exhibit displayon rent in Chicago or other such venue, ensure that you have done the pre-show planning effectively to generate maximum profit at your booth.

Research the event

Employ all your researching sources before attending the trade shows. If you exhibit at the wrong event, you will definitely be wasting your time and money. To generate maximum outcome and sales at the show, proper research is necessary.

Know your aim

Set aside goals for your trade show. Are you doing a product launch or promoting special products? Are you looking to increase brand’s visibility? If you intend to participate in many more events like these exhibit display on rent in Chicago or any other city may be worth a consideration. Rentals can help you achieve your objectives without draining your budget.

Create the right hype

Avail social media and print media to generate hype about the event. Let your customers know you are coming to certain event. This will increase the chances that your leads see your promotions too and visit your booth. Send out the date, time and venue to prospects by email at least a month before and follow with regular reminders.

Hire staff

Start segregating your staff and pick out the right speakers and other service providers for your booth. Great staff is essential for engaging visitors and your overall success. Hire professionals if you think your staff is not as experienced and trained.

Print stationery

Give out your marketing materials for print in estimated numbers and pick them a week before the trade show. Ensure that your business cards, pamphlets and other textual papers are printed in good quality and are error free. If you are going for an exhibit display on rent in Chicagoor other venue, check with your exhibit company if they can provide all accessories and peripherals on rent.

Using video displays right in your trade show booth

Trade show marketing can be a great way to send out your brand’s message across a huge audience. If you are exhibiting in competitive venues like Chicago, exhibition booth rental in Chicago is a great option for a strict budget. With a tradeshow booth, you also need accessories to create a professional and appealing environment.
Having the right videos can make a huge difference and here’s how well-structured video can generate leads.

1.  Acts as an additional Staff

While your staff is busy attending a crowd at the booth, the passerby and the unattended visitors can still learn about your products and services by watching the videos that convey valuable information creatively.

2.  Provides explanation

Sometimes visual explanations are remembered more and thus videos explaining your product are a great way to attract visitor’s eye. Your staff may not always be available to attend every visitor and such instances call for videos that can engage the potential prospects by providing relevant information.

3.  Answers questions

The customers have questions and you, as a company, are responsible to answer these effectively. This not only satisfies your customers but also enhances your brand’s reputation among the industry. Videos are a great tool that can be used to answer and solve the problems of prospects and leads in a systematic manner.

4.  Demonstrates product usage

Sometimes a staff member is unable to explain product usage to every visitor and you may miss out on important leads in such cases. The videos, when designed professionally, demonstrate the product usage and give out instructions quite effectively in loops, without getting tired.

5.  Creates visual appeal

Information and visual appeal go hand in hand while exhibiting. Video displays, interactive touch screens and sleek use of monitors are quite common in exhibition booth rentals in Chicago, Los Angeles and other prominent cities as these serve to boost the charm and activity at your booth.
If you have a great exhibiting partner for exhibition booth rentals in Chicago, you can seek their help in setting up the necessary equipments for audio-video.

How to create instant recognition at the trade show floor

In the competitive environment of tradeshow floor, companies often go through a hard time while planning and putting up a trade show booth. Size doesn’t matter as long as companies remember certain tricks and hits of tradeshow marketing.
Even if you use 10x10 trade show exhibits in Las Vegas and other leading cities, you can still carve your brand’s image in the minds of visitors and here’s how.

Boast your brand’s color

The colors specific to your brand should be incorporated in major aspects of your booth design. The banner stands and counters should match your corporate colors to let your customers know your company. Even the booth staff should have apparel that matches your brand’s identity.

Have a uniform font

You know its Nokia when you see dark blue and white and the popular font. You don’t even have to look for the logo because every single element is designed using those font and colors. Accomplishing such recognition is a major achievement and can be done by synchronizing all graphical elements of your booth. Your 10X10 trade showexhibits in Las Vegas or any other city will have limited space and it should not look cluttered with too many fonts and messages.

Incorporate industrial colors

Some colors are associated with specific industries like green for organic and herbal products. Even if your brand’s color is different, ensure that the exhibits have hues of industrial colors to attract the right clients to your booth without wasting any time.

Branded giveaways

Giveaways are meant for creating recognition and serve as reminders of your company long after the trade show has ended and they should so just that. Mark them with your logo and individual colors to create uniqueness and individuality. Don’t give common items that will be lost in the visitor’s bag post-show.

Standout element

A great idea to instantly get attention to inline 10x10trade show exhibits while displaying in big cities like Las Vegas, Houston, Texas etc. is to have at least one standout element that engages the visitors and makes it hard to look away.  It can be a centralized wall or banner stand or any other “extra” add-on that is captivating. 

3 Things that you are not using at your Trade Show Booth

The popularity of tradeshow marketing is not going down anytime soon and that enough is a good reason to learn all the tricks of exhibiting.
Often smaller brands opt for a killer trade show exhibitbooth rental to establish dominance with design and functionality while saving on outright purchase. However, companies often overlook 3 things that can turn the exhibit into a sales-generator machine.

You are not using your smartphones and tablets

Are you using your phones to post regular activities of trade show on social platforms? Did you know that your phone can take place of card scanners at the trade show? You have a great technology at hand in form of smartphones and tablets that can support your marketing endeavor more than you can imagine. Use your smartphone to take personal information of your clients and prospects, it’s about time you ditch those papers for good.

You are not using management apps

There are multiple apps available for desktop and other devices that can reduce a considerable burden of your staff. Every time a member makes a sale, they should take quick notes in the app to have centralized information of your leads and purchases. There are applications and software that let you take a photo of your prospect and information and produce an online directory of digital business cards. These apps come in handy while planning for trade shows as well by letting your company work with the trade show vendors in synchronization while designing and other graphic works.

You are not using the display monitors

Having many monitors and LEDs at your booth is of no use unless you are displaying attractive data through it. They not only accessorize your booth well but also let your customers receive additional information about your products and company. Make sure that these videos or demos are designed professionally to enhance the visual appeal of your exhibit. If you are opting for trade show exhibit booth rentals, include these additional accessories to enhance your booth’s value and appeal.
A lot of peripherals and accessories come as part of the trade show exhibit booth rental package. Don’t forget to ask for it. You only get what you ask.

What to include in emergency kit of your trade show booth

Planning to exhibit in events of Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston and other major cities can be overwhelming and tiring.
If you having custom or modular trade show exhibits in Los Angeles, CA or the likes of it, ensure that you have these items close by to save your booth from unexpected problems.


This is an essential item that can save you from sudden technological failures. The electrical items cannot always be trusted and notepad is a savior in situations where the info-taking apps have technical breakdown.


From broken cables to disrupted stands, an adhesive/tape should be to there in your kit. Anything can go wrong while exhibiting and having adhesives like duct tapes, Velcro, extra joints for cables etc. will save you from panic while dealing with visitors.

First aid

Injuries to the staff or your visitors at any point should not worry you. Have a first aid kit at your booth to ensure that your staff deals with such situations properly and is able to serve the attendees right. The chances of dehydration, allergies or cuts are not rare and so be prepared for these while exhibiting.


Running out your brand merchandise, stationery like business cards and giveaways due to a large number of visitors is very common. Have these stored in your booth so that your staff does not have to rush out of the trade show floor to fetch these.


Usually booths are equipped with a lot of technical products which calls for extra batteries. Even if you witness power failure, your technology should do what it needs to. Wireless devices can be fixed easily if you have batteries supporting them.
Having this emergency kit in your modular trade showexhibits at Los Angeles, CA and other major hubs is a must because how effectively you deal with emergencies shows your potential as a company.

How to make your trade show booth look professional

The industry decision makers who are attending events and trade shows attend hundreds every year and can instantly pick out the booth that is professional and means serious business. Your booth traders, graphic designers and exhibition stand builders give you a structure but it’s up to you to fill life in it by remembering some key points that are simple yet very effective.

1.  Ensure all-over assistance

Your visitors may be your future leads and so don’t ever let them hanging in there without assistance. Your staff should be present at every board to help them move in your booth and understand your company in the process. Be kind to your customers assisting them in using technology at your booth, participating online or just making a purchase at your booth smoothly.

2.  Avail the white paper

Always have a white paper with important info about your company, your success ventures and all text that a future partner would like to know. The white paper can be made professional with messages from your top officials, your company’s success data etc. which will be of interest to potential leads.

3.  Display your success

Your sales, profit chart, growth in the past year and other such data can be creatively expressed in your booth at prominent locations. Professional exhibition stand builders can incorporate these in attractive ways that is sure to impress the prospects and buyers.

4.  Solve a problem, genuinely

What better way to look professional than actually act professional? You know your brand and your products. Introduce your products to the visitors as problem solvers. Everyone out there is focusing on selling products, you focus on selling solutions and the right ears will value you.

5.  Provide industrial updates

Let your customers get some special industry update via the monitor displays or touch screen devices. Make you pamphlets interesting by displaying current trends and news. These cause engagement and also elevate the informative aspect of your booth.

If you have experienced exhibitionstand builders by your side you will get all this guidance and much more from them. Partner with the best. 

6 ways to have a competition-buster trades show booth

The exhibiting game is getting competitive day by day and just when you think it can’t get any more intimidating, it does. While exhibiting it doesn’t matter whether you choose trade show display rental or have your own customized booth as long as you have a competent design that sweats your competitors and gets etched in the minds of visitors.

1.   Have an interesting booth

Regular colors, same kind of graphics and same styled booths will not get you the attention of visitors. If your competitor has chosen specific theme and was successful, don’t bet that the same things will work for you. Opt for creative booths that attract at the first glance. Creative does not mean expensive. You can get a spectacular design in trade show display rental packages as well.

2.   Invite your clients

Close in the deals with your clients by inviting them to your exhibit. This not only lets your clients know your position in the industry but also lets your competitors know of your customer base.

3.   Choose good giveaways

It’s no secret that everyone loves free gifts howsoever small it may be. Greet your visitors with a related giveaway that speaks of your brand’s message/service. Good giveaways are remembered and the visitors will listen to your executives intently, as a token of appreciation.

4.   Employ full-on branding

Everything from your flooring to banners, graphics to tech products and giveaways should fit your brand’s color and style. This may be a little expensive but it is worth it. Branded merchandise is not only cool to look at but also tells your customers about your seriousness.

5.   Get tech-oriented

Technology can be used for all kinds of industries, only if you know how to. Be ahead of your competitors by making your booth technologically adept. This definitely wows the visitors, lessens your burden and makes you a leader with trends as more booths follow you.

6.   Do a product launch

There should be something special about the main event day. Whether it is a new product launch or special discounts at your trade showdisplay rental or a live demo in the exhibition hall, it pays off by bringing in the curious buyers quickly to your booth.

Sunday 10 July 2016

Top 5 trends shaking the present day trades shows

Trade show environment is ever-changing and just when you thought you are all equipped, a new trend comes in town. Staying updated with these trends not only shows your brand’s adaptability but also carries a professional vibe to the onlookers.
So, if you are trying to get back on track, here are the top 5 trends of trade show marketing that you don’t want to miss. Whether it is future forward technology or modular tradeshow booths in Los Angeles and other cities, present day trade shows are trend setters.

Modular trade show booths

Modular displays and booths have emerged as blessings for the exhibitors. They suit all budgets and all scales of events. Spotting modular trade show booths in Los Angeles, Vegas and other prominent cities recently was enough to include these in top trends of current marketing.

Telling brand’s story

Every giant firm was seen conveying their brand’s story at the booth that serves as a major attraction. The customers are aware and looking for creativity in every aspect ranging from your booth design to the product specializations.  If you manage to pull that off well, success and leads come knocking.

Technology Inclusion

What good does living in a high-tech nation do if you can’t incorporate these technological tools in your business? With an array of technologies to choose from, trade show floor is seen packed with the latest touch screen Media, LEDs, banner displays and so much more. Adding brilliance to your booth, functionally as well as visually, technology is certainly a must-have.

Socializing digitally

With increasing ways of merging social media to your trade show marketing strategy, brands are seen staying active on major social platforms. This creates the right hype, increases your sales and keeps your followers updated. So, you are basically creating customers for the next trade show in the present one itself.

Getting top officials on the show

The days are over when your CEOs and top-level management stayed in the office while the marketing staff handles the booth activities. Engagement, interaction and customer relations! These have brought the CEOs at the ground level so that brands can connect like never before and generate loyal leads at all costs.

5 things you need to tell your trade show exhibit vendor/designer

Exhibiting at major events is a huge responsibility because your trade show exhibit is the conveyor of your brand’s potential, message and professionalism. Hence, companies need to plan ahead of time to escape last minute issues.
Before you set to book your next custom trade show exhibit in Washington DC or other such major hubs, ensure that your vendor or the designer of your exhibit knows:

Your brand’s identity

The exhibit designer should know all about your brand. The philosophy, the company’s historical achievements, your brand’s specializations, your current needs, company’s programs etc. These things can be effectively incorporated in your booth design imparting individuality and uniqueness.

Your industry

It is a common observation that successful booths, usually, are industry-specific. Reason? They allow visitors to quickly understand your main industry and step inside without having to read the text on the banner. Some designs are specific to various industries like blue and grey in medicine and technology. Let them know if you seek a different color scheme or wish to match the latest trends. Custom tradeshow exhibit in Washington DC or any other city will look impactful only if it has your business and industry nuances in them.

Your customer’s demographic

Tell you vendor about your customer’s likes-dislikes and inclinations. They should know your customer base and the kind of audience that is expected to come to your booth. This helps them design a customer-friendly exhibit that appeals to the right leads.

Your reputation in the market

Clearly state your past performance in trade shows and also the competitor’s position. Let them know how your product is different and how well it solves the consumer’s issues. Designers can then highlight your main services and include the right amount of graphics and texts in your booth.

Your company’s lookout

Talk to your staff and do some research yourself. If you have any ideas to make your booth look phenomenal, let the vendors know so that you get a design that not only surpasses your expectations but also amazes the visitors.
In order to make an impact, your custom trade showexhibit in Washington DC or other prime locations needs extra attention and careful planning. Make sure you put in that extra little effort.

What to avoid while exhibiting at trade shows

Pulling off a successful trade show in major cities like Las Vegas, Ca can be a tough task. While you are deciding between custom booths and trade show display rentals in Las Vegas or other prominent venues, it is crucial that you also have an idea of things that you need to avoid bringing at the trade show floor.

Avoid employing vigorous selling strategies

Visitors are over-brimmed with companies and products at the trade show floor. Give their exhausted eyes something captivating and their tired ears something valuable and interesting. Don’t just go on talking (bragging) about your products or services, it ticks visitors off.

Avoid having long conversations with visitors

Visitors are running low on time and so are you. Decide fast between the interested buyers and casual attendees. Take quick notes and reserve the half-qualified leads for post-show follow up. Avoid having an extended line or too many visitors inside the booth by segregating effectively.

Avoid tagging unnecessary staff

Avoid having extra hands at your booth unless you are acquiring a high number of leads at trade shows. Choose the right professionals who are not only productive but just enough to keep the sales rolling. It will take some trade shows to know the exact resources and staff you require but once you get it, stick to that number.

Avoid eating at your booth

Or indulging in phone activities, for that matter. Eating as well as checking the phone frequently looks extremely unprofessional and creates a bad impression on prospects. Make sure your staff is aware of basic etiquettes required for trade show management and cut the ones who are cutting the productivity at the stand.
So, when you are improving productivity and revenue by opting for modular displays or trade show displayrentals in Las Vegas, Houston, Texas and other competing environs, make sure you know what all to avoid to ensure sustained sales and profit.

6 Reasons why you should be picking modular displays for trade show

Most companies are seeking modular exhibits for their booths and this is clearly emerging as a trend. Modular trade show displays LosAngeles, Ca, Texas, Boston and other venues are getting popular with exhibitors who seek design as well as performance.
For the brands seeking lucrative products for trade show presence, here are 6 good reasons to take modular displays along for the next exhibition.

·        They are highly flexible

The biggest reason for their popularity is that modular displays can be configured and scaled for any exhibit space or need. What was a 10 foot inline booth for one event can be rearranged to create an island display booth in the next one. Modulartrade show displays at Los Angeles, Ca can be packed and redone with a new size at another venue.

·        They come with minimum transportation cost

Modular displays are shipped in flat cases that can be carried or transported by a single person. Storage is as easy as transportation and you need minimal labor for transportation or shipping.

·        They adapt with ease

They are highly adaptable and go very well with accessories and lightings. Modular trade showdisplays at Los Angeles, Ca or any venue can host attractive shelving, LED mounts, pegboards etc. making your booth organized as well as visitor-friendly.

·        They offer quick set-up (and dismantle)

You don’t need your whole staff or hours and hours of hard work to set modular displays. These can be installed very fast and dismantled even faster. In very less time, you can have a booth that shares the likes of a custom exhibit only with lesser costs.

·        They fit your budget

Modular displays are far cheaper than the customized stands and offer numerous advantages at the least price. Coming at such minimal price, they offer excellent utility with a hassle free assembling and storage.

·        They provide effortless customization

They can be paired with stunning fabrications and customized to go with end number of graphics. So if you are making a jump for the bigger events, these can be scaled to fit in large spaces and make your booth look inviting and professional.

3 things your exhibition booth should tell the prospectus

Trade show success calls for an intricate planning right from the start and proper execution of strategies till the end. When you set out to choose which exhibition booth fits your preferences and budget, set the following factors in your mind so that your trade show booth is creative, well-organized and most importantly, expressive of your brand’s identity.

1.  Exhibition booth should project who you are

Your booth is the projector of brand’s identity. Your design, layout and ambience should be such that the audience/prospects understand not just products but also your company’s ideology. Customers should be able to connect with your brand and recognize it well. This is the first major step for lead conversion process and also expand network within the industry.

2.  Exhibition booth should provide the customers a solution

Every customer or prospect faces problems and has certain unsolved issues. Searching these and offering solutions to them at your booth can act as a magnetic factor. Let the visitors know about common problems and provide quick solutions to these through your products/ services. When the attendees enter your booth, give them a good reason to stay and make purchase from your booth by being kind and helpful.

3.  Exhibition booths should act as a CTA (call-to-action)

Often, the booths reach a good level and are able to attract a productive crowd at the exhibit stand, but end up missing some leads while talking to everyone at the booth. Your booth should itself act as a CTA button giving visitors instructions as to what to do next. You don’t want the prospects wandering in your exhibition booth, clueless about making a purchase. Have a team that takes care of such prospects and avail apps that help you make a quick list of potential leads for an efficient follow up after the event.
Have a major event to attend? Use these three points to finalize the exhibition booths that best suit your company.

Making banner stands the highlight of your trade show exhibit

When it comes to adding visual appeal, banner stands at your booth act more than just accessories. What good is a 20x20 trade showexhibit Los Angeles, Ca or Texas or Boston if you do not fill in the spaces with appropriate elements? In such competitive environs, it takes more than just big sized booths to stand out from the crowd.
Here’s how banner stands can be made to add value to your booth design and overall theme.

Adopt catchy designs

The banner stands are there for a purpose – to catch the visitor’s attention. They should be appropriate size and hold relevant information. Choose bold designs and suitable colors that give your banner stands uniqueness without breaking the theme of your brand. Let it go in sync with the graphics of your 20X20 tradeshow exhibit Los Angeles,Ca

Use Strong fonts

The text on your banner stands should be readable and visible from a distance. Make sure that the main points are in different and stronger fonts to increase visibility and capture attention of the buyers in the first glance.

Place them at proper places

Place these stands in well –lit and visible places. For instance if you have a 20x20 trade show exhibit, Los Angeles, Ca you have ample space to erect these banner stands at corners that are near the waiting area or just beside the entry point in for customers to have a quick look  at your brand’s specialties.

Keep it short and impactful

The message over the banner stands should be a short summary of your brand. Only include relevant bits of content. Focus on creating impact more than providing information. It works every time.

Perfecting every aspect is necessary for generating maximum sales, especially if you are aiming for the big events in prominent locations of Los Angeles, Ca or Texas or other cities where a single flaw can ruin your brand’s image. 

Choosing the most appropriate trade show for your brand

We have seen companies asking “Is the exhibit size okay for my brand?” “Is the trade show display rental Las Vegas better than purchasing?” and so on. Before you get in full swing, the first question you should be asking is “is the trade show right for exhibiting my products/services?”
So, how do you choose the most suitable trade show to exhibit? Read on.


Stay updated with the popular products, technologies and trends of the industry. Read publications and track new product launches and the performance of the big companies of your field. Take cue from online activities by following top trade show analysts and bloggers to get a real-time idea of exhibition atmosphere. This gets you a list of top trade shows that have your industry-specific audience.

Talk to the existing customers

Don’t just make assumptions about your customer’s likes and dislikes. Talk to your existing consumers and prospect to know the events that they attend. This gives you an idea of the attendee’s preference and presence at particular trade events.

Know your budget

Before setting out to exhibiting, have a clear understanding of your needs and budget. Don’t invest in international events without having the budget to do so. Your brand may end up blending in with the big companies’ booths and leaving you disappointed. If tradeshow display rental Las Vegas can do the job perfectly, don’t splurge on custom makes.

Visit trade shows

Think like an attendee. What would you like to see or what went wrong with a particular booth? Attend trade shows as an attendee and you will know exactly what attracts and repels at the trade shows. This experience also tells you whether the particular event is right for your company’s products or not.
Whether you are a newbie or a seasoned player, you can taste success with trade show display rentals Las Vegas or any other city only when you choose the right event for your brand.

Why should you be investing in a trade show

When it comes to marketing, brands usually stick with their regular strategies, avoiding setting on new tracks. However, following the present trend, companies are not scared of investing in trade show marketing because with intricate planning and performance you can set a firm mark on the customers as well as competitors.

If you are still debating if booth displays Las Vegas or any major city are ideal for executing your next marketing plan, read on.
1.   Get introduced to trends
Trade shows introduce your brand to the buzzing trends of your industry. You come across a lot on the trade show floor that gives you the right idea about the latest and popular products. You get to know what is most attractive to the audience by observing the trade show floor.

2.   Create a quality network
The greatest benefit of exhibiting at a trade show is that you meet the decision makers or the instant buyers in huge numbers. Spending time with such valued customers and impressing them can enhance your network and get you more prospects than ever. If you booth display Las Vegas has the right tools for capturing leads, you will have a huge database at the end of the event.

3.   Make grand launches
Want your new product to get the attention it deserves? Place it in your booth display Las Vegas or any other venue to make grand launches and educate visitors in the right way. This is a great place to attract the buyers by showcasing new products.

4.   Expand your revenues
Buyers and top level prospects are present and you have chance to get noticed. You can expand your revenues and sales by indulging the leads in interesting conversations and meeting the big players of your industry.

What do all winning trade show designs have in common

Is there a general rule of trade show marketing success? Definitely, No. While brands hunt for creative and unique trade show designs, they often overlook some key features that all the successful exhibits have in common. Read on to know how to excel at your next trade show without breaking your mind or budget.

They are fearless

Trade shows are all about creating brand’s visibility and making a mark. Don’t blend in with the existing trends and colors of the season. Stand tall and out with bold use of colors that complement your brand and make your booth look unique but remember to not overdo the contrasts. Put on a unique and creative trade show design that stays in the visitors’ mind even after the exhibition ends.

They have a smooth consistent backdrop

Everything from the walls to the displays to the staff’s apparel should have uniformity. This not just looks appealing but lets the passer-by know how focused you are as a brand.  Branded merchandise is never a lost-trend because they serve as little reminders of the conversations and experiences your potential leads indulged in at your booth. Create a cohesive environment that carries brand’s message and service across instantly.

They have a smart staff

Great trade show exhibits and an exceptional staff go side by side. You cannot overlook one and root for success. Having a professional staff that not is clear, skilled and helpful is attractive. The team should not sit around and wait for opportunities. The right individuals create lead and having these lead generators at your booth will earn you double the sales and double the impact.
You can add your own points to these basic foundational features and possess creative and unique trade show designs that will create a lasting impression in minds of your consumer as well as your competition.

Saturday 9 July 2016

Exhibition booth hire: When is it fit for your brand?

Trade show season is in and renting or buying exhibits is the discussion of the market. If you are also in the league of those perplexed minds, read on to when exhibition booth hire is a lucrative deal and when not.

When is exhibition booth hire favorable?

When you are doubtful about trade shows

For the infrequent exhibitors or the companies who are about to step in trade show marketing for the very first time, hiring an exhibition booth is viable so that you can garner expertize in designing and layout before you make a final, costlier decision.

When you want variety frequently

If you are exhibiting frequently and need a different look every time, renting saves you a lot of time and brainstorming. You don’t have to come up with different ideas for every trade show because different rentals can create variety effortlessly.

When you want fewer burdens on your staff

Hiring is feasible when you are not in favor of storage or maintenance and are seeking one day relationship with your booth. Minimal repair, installation or transportation charges save you and your company the hassle of keeping the booths secure.

When exhibition booth hire doesn’t fit?

When you want a brand centralized booth

You cannot carve the exhibition booth to fit your brand, instead your brand need to fit the structure and design smoothly. So having your own, customized booth is better.

When you want total power

When you want full control over your booth like a color theme or branding the entire structure, then hiring may not be a great choice. It does allow flexibility but has its limitations.

When you have money to spend

If your budget is flexible and allows buying custom exhibits along with other graphical elements with ease, then hiring should be avoided because owning allows more flexibility and creates a brand mark.

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Crafting a Visitor-friendly trade show exhibit

You have an upcoming event and you are all ears for tradeshow exhibit ideas that will help reel in a large crowd to your booth. But wait, before you go all out and employ these ideas in your exhibits, here are some ways to ensure that your booth is not just catchy but also visitor friendly.

Plan every corner strategically

You are there for your buyers so their comfort should be prioritized. Ensure that there is a smooth flow from entry to exit point and important info is displayed in the center. Your sitting benches can serve to store extra materials underneath. The closed cabinet can act as a separator creating private and semi-private areas for leads. Creative and functional design never disappoints.

Have graphics that are easy on the eyes

According to experts, contracting colors and bold texts that are visible from a distance are the best for your booth. Sometimes, elegant designs are lost in the exhibition glitter instead choose colors and graphics that are different from the regular designs. These will distinguish your booth and naturally, attendees will be charmed by uniqueness.

Pay extra attention on flooring and lighting

Flooring and lighting should be chosen keeping the visitor’s comfort in mind. Backlit banners and displays along with LED lightings can highlight your brand’s essentials for prospects to notice quickly. Don’t be liberal with lighting fixtures as they may block your overhanging banners and snatch the neatness of your design. Choose flooring that is comfortable and stays in place and shape till the end of the day.

Know what is a great trade showexhibit idea?  Creating a welcoming and visitor-friendly environment at your booth. If you prioritize your visitors, you will certainly be rewarded with unbelievable sales at the end of the day.

Being your own Savior at trade show

Planning and carrying out a successful trade show appearance takes a lot of hard work and an intricate knowledge of the do’s and don’ts at trade shows. Things don’t always go as planned and that is why you have to be ready for almost any kind of problem whilst exhibiting especially if you have opted for exhibit rentals. Here is how to excel at being your own savior at trade shows:

1.Analyze your booth or exhibit rental beforehand

Analyzing and planning beforehand is a vital practice followed by all exhibitors. Whether you have your own custom displays or exhibitrentals, assemble the booth weeks before trade show so that it can be checked for design and durability. Ask your vendor about the actual materials and fabrication to save yourself from unpleasant surprises on the main day.

2.  Have the exact dimensions of space provided

When you are assigned your booth space, don’t forget to equate these dimensions with your chosen booth or exhibit. Have the exact ceiling, flooring dimensions and check your space for arches or barriers in order to have the perfectly scaled booth.

3.  Check for facilities around the event location

What if you run out of stationery or literature? Make sure there is a print facility close by to take you out of such situations. Place all your extra promo items, giveaways and products somewhere near your event location so that your staff can fetch these without chaos. If you are going for exhibit rentals, check if your exhibit design company can arrange for accessories and peripherals so that you don’t have to run around.

4.  Plug the devices right

Technology can go wrong at times when you least expect it. Have a skilled staff at the booth who can quickly fix broken/ interrupted wirings. Install the interactive screens and videos at least a day before to check their performance.

5.  Prioritize functionality over design

Prioritize the booth’s functionality by creating appropriate exit and entry points, waiting areas, meeting zones and demo areas. Think how they will look in real-time because once the visitors enter, they should be able to walk smoothly around your space. This way your booth can accommodate more attendees.

Tradeshow display ideas that always work

Right trade show marketing can boost your sales and stimulate your brand’s success. Here are some tradeshow display ideas that will make your booth an instant hit among the crowd in exhibition hall.

Let the word out first

You can create success even before setting your booth at the trade show floor by making some preparations beforehand. Make sure that you send out the news of your presence in the expo/trade show to all the prospects as well as customers by email or special invites. Advertise your brand at the ideal directories and avail platforms that offer a greater exposure like radio and print media for attracting a greater crowd. That’s a tradeshow display idea worth a million. Don’t skip it.

Have some promotional items

These are great ways to create recognition for your brand. Make sure the branded (personalized are better) merchandise is on board and is all set to help you follow up with leads. Have your brand’s logo and contact info on pens, pen drives or industry-related products to aid your visitors in remembering your booth long after the show ends. Trade show display ideas like this one can be simple yet effective.

Go an extra edge to create appeal

You can really charm the passerby if you have exciting games in your booth area. They need not be conventional like golf, instead have something short and interesting that can create more engagement. Brands also offer special products or discounts for the day baiting buyers to make instant purchases.

Create a calm environ within your booth

When and if visitors step inside your booth, they should feel like they entered a new, calm, away-from-the-crowd world. Small eye-catching displays or subtle lights can help create an outstanding booth amidst the busy surrounding of expos. Make use of creative tradeshow displayideas to knock out the competitors.

Offer drinks and snacks

Visitors get tired after strolling around big expos and offering free drinks and snacks can be a great way to lure them to your booth. This brings in mutual benefit as attendees get free food and you get time to indulge in conversations that can turn into lucrative deals.