Tuesday 21 June 2016

What to look for in rental trade show exhibits?

Trade shows are serious business opportunities and it’s your one big chance to impress your buyers one-on-one. But in new markets you may want to step in with caution and you can do that by containing your trade show marketing costs. Going for trade show exhibit rentals is a wonderful idea. But what should you keep in mind? 

  • Look for practical exhibits

Technical advancements in exhibit designs have given companies a lot of hybrid options, even in rental plans. Along with excellent structure and design, trade show exhibit rentals should have portability and durability. Ask your exhibit design company to give you portable or modular rental platforms that are lightweight yet sturdy.

  • Look for flexible rentals

Some years ago, businesses were offered fewer options of trade show exhibit rentals but fortunately, times have changed. You can now modify or scale even rental exhibit’s design, graphics or structure according to your preferences. Always look for customizations options that allow modification of size, design or layout of the booth with ease.

  • Look for operational ease

While renting any exhibit, make sure that it is easy to handle and construct. With portable exhibits offered by many companies, exhibitors can now complete set up and installation of the booth in a flick. Make sure that the whole assembling is super-quick and smooth so that your team can focus more on impressing prospects than managing the booth.

  • Look for end to end solutions

At a trade show, you don’t want to be caught with technical failures or structural woes. Therefore, it is best to go for trade show exhibit rentals that are packaged with transportation, set up and storage. So, the exhibit design company takes care of everything while you put up a great show. 

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