Thursday 4 August 2016

Trade show exhibit rentals are a boon for judicious exhibitors

Exhibitors on a tight budget have found a brilliant solution to all their woes. Trade show exhibit rentals are helping them cut costs on every front. Trade show booths have always attracted a lot of cost including design, maintenance, transport, and storage among others. With the option of trade show exhibit rentals, exhibitors have some relief. A walk through at major conventions shows the popularity of rental solutions. Trade show exhibit rentals are steadily becoming a big hit because of the benefits they offer in comparison to owned booths.

Why exhibitors are going for trade show exhibit rentals?

One of the advantages is flexibility with regards to the theme. One is not stuck with one design and can choose from a myriad of options for different trade shows. Another advantage is sheer convenience. Exhibitors don’t have to look into things they don’t have expertise in. Everything from storage to transport and handling to upkeep is taken care of by the exhibit house. Experts have commended the idea saying it’s one of the smartest decisions exhibitors make.

Small exhibitors had started becoming weary of participating in trade shows, but the introduction of trade show exhibit rentals has renewed their vigour. The major reason why exhibitors avoided trade shows was the increasing booth costs and reduced ROIs. Exhibit companiesinvented trade show exhibit rentalsin a bid to improve trade show participation. It reduces costs incurred by exhibitor. There is no upfront investment and maintenance is also not exhibitor’s responsibility. The major disadvantage typically associated with trade show exhibit rentals is choice restriction. It is limited to available inventory and catalogue. But exhibitors are not disheartened by that because they are allowed customisation. They can select a booth design and revamp it as per their brand color or theme. Other than this, they have several advantages. One big one is flexibility.  Exhibitors can shun a rental booth after use. For every new trade show, the exhibitor can choose a new design. Earlier trade show exhibit rentals were not so popular. It was because of the inability to personalise. Today, that has changed. Exhibitors get to dress up even rental booths with brand themes.

Trade show exhibit rentals are a winning solution for exhibitors, big and small.

Exhibitors with inadequate use occasions don’t want to invest in custom booths. They like to keep way from costs related to wear and tear, transportation and maintenance among others.  New exhibitors who are unsure of returns from a trade show also go for trade show exhibit rentals. It makes sense to test the waters before taking a plunge. A spokesperson at Exponents, an award winning exhibit house, said,’ Trade show exhibit rentals are the way to go for exhibitors on a tight budget. It’s economical, convenient and flexible. Trade show exhibit rentals have seen a steady increase in popularity and it will only increase further. We are constantly increasing our inventory to meet the growing demand.’

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