Thursday 4 August 2016

Exhibition booth rental is becoming a boon for prudent exhibitors

Exhibition booth rental has become a norm for smart exhibitors. Both, small and large scale businesses are going for exhibition booth rental because they are keen to save upfront as well as upkeep costs. An overview of trade shows around the globe shows popularity of exhibition booth rental. Experts have argued that small exhibitors with a low frequency of exhibiting resort to cost saving techniques like these. After all, the responsibilities like maintenance, storage and transportation lie with the exhibit house. Exhibition booth rental have helped exhibitors participate in global trade shows without worrying about logistics.

Challenges tackled by exhibition booth rental

Exhibition booth rental addresses a number of challenges like spiralling booth costs and reducing ROIs. Exhibit companies are constantly devising innovative methods like exhibition booth rental to make booths affordable. Despite the fact that rentals booths need to be selected from available inventory, they can be customised. Exhibitors have the liberty to redo certain aspects like booth colors and graphics. Unlike the past when exhibition booth rental used to come with rigid themes and lack of flexibility, current exhibition booth rental solutions can be personalised to a great extent. This solution has become a big hit amongst first time exhibitors or infrequent exhibitors. The exhibition booth rental is also being used by exhibitors who lack usage occasions. They do not want to invest in custom booths since the payback period is longer.

The biggest advantage of exhibition booth rental

Exhibition booth rental allows exhibitors to focus on their products and their presentations. Every other responsibility from booth installation to dismantling is on exhibit house’s shoulders.
The exhibition booth rental is a boon forexhibitors who do not want to incur upkeep expenses. Typically there are enormous costs of storage and transport associated with custom booths. With rentals, they are no longer exhibitor’s responsibility. Current trade show trends indicate that exhibitors new to trade shows are opting for exhibition booth rental because of these benefits.

A spokesperson from Exponents, an award-winning exhibit house, said,’ Exhibition booth rental is a wise choice for exhibitors on a tight budget. They have to only pay fees for limited use. The ownership lies with us and therefore we take responsibility of storage too. The demand for these rental exhibits is on a rise. We are trying to keep up with larger inventory every season. It is a winning solution for every type of exhibitor, small and big. Small exhibitors find it economical. Large exhibitors like the convenience it brings. We provide turnkey rental solutions. They can go around the globe without worrying about transport or handling. It is the most hassle free way of exhibiting. All they have to do is order in time. We shoulder every other responsibility’

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