Thursday 4 August 2016

Exhibit booth rentals is becoming preferred booth type for a large section of exhibitors

One look at major trade shows is enough to spot this trend. One can easily see the rising popularity of exhibit booth rentals. It is an indication that small exhibitors who do not participate in shows frequently have downsized their trade show booth investments. They are embracing the rental option to keep their expenses under check. They are going for turnkey rental solutions that put every responsibility from maintenance to transportation on the exhibit houses.

Most experts speak ‘for’ rental solutions and term it as a ‘wise decision’. Exhibit booth rentals have increasedtrade show participation by small exhibitors who were weary of doing so. Exhibit booth rentals have addressed their costs and ROI issues satisfactorily.

Exhibit booth rentals offer more than you can imagine

Exhibit booth rentals are off the shelf solutions which have lower lead times. So exhibitors who are in hurry can order and have the booth shipped. Some exhibit houses have gone a step further to make exhibit booth rentals more lucrative. They are allowing customization in even rental solutions. So, if the exhibitor has time at hand, he can go the rental way and yet have his brand theme superimposed on the selected design. So, exhibitors don’t have to worry about rigid off-the-shelf solutions. They need not look me-too. They can look distinct with their brand graphics and theme even in rental solutions.

Experts have also supported the rental idea. They say that exhibit booth rentals allow exhibitors to focus on what they know. They can leave all hassles related to design and logistics to exhibit houses. The exhibit house will ship, install and uninstall the booth while the exhibitor focuses on his presentation. Exhibit booth rentals are also advantageous to global exhibitors who travel extensively. They don’t have to carry the baggage of an owned booth. They can simply order a rental solution. Unlike owned booths, rental booths don’t force repeated use of same design. Exhibitors can keep changing the themes for a refreshing new look.

What do exhibit houses have to say about exhibit booth rentals ?

Exhibit houses agree that exhibit booth rentals are clever choices for astute exhibitors. A spokesperson from Exponents, an award winning exhibit house, said,’ The growing popularity of rental solutions is prompting us to increase our inventories. Despite the increased inventory, we are always under pressure to provide more exhibit booth rentals. Exhibitors, small and big, have acknowledged its benefits. From cost to flexibility, exhibit booth rentals address a number of challenges. Owning a booth has its set of advantages. Obviously they give you a lot of control on design and other aspects. But you must be able to reap its benefits through frequent trade show participations. If you are looking for one-off participation, rental is the way to go.’

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